mardi 29 avril 2014

Tram 14

Home training II

Rainy day in Basel. My daughter's blackboard kindly poses for me.

jeudi 10 avril 2014

Souvenirs from Munich

I spent a few days in Munich, Germany, to play in Dido&Aeneas at the Bayerische Staatsoper. I took time to walk through the city, visit the Haus der Kunst, go swimming at the incredible Müller'sche Volksbad (entirely in Art Nouveau style, don't miss it if you go to Munich, danke Julian für den Tipp) and to draw a few sketches.

Clock, Volksbad

Lamp, Volksbad

Changing room, Volksbad

Chairs, Goldene Bar, Haus der Kunst

Balcony, Bayerische Staatsoper

Feldherrnhalle, Odeonsplatz

S-Bahn, Marienplatz

jeudi 3 avril 2014

I was looking for another luxury car to draw, when i found something much more interesting : an old abandoned van gently rusting on a carpet of dandelions, just behind the railroad. I definitely needed a Mater for my Lightning McQueen...

mardi 1 avril 2014

Porsche Panamera

Challenge of the day: drawing a car. Why is it so damn difficult?...

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